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Sister Joan
Robert I wish I could have seen you & said by Goodbyes to you my precious baby brother, loving you always sister Joan xoxoxoxo
Coral Mum to angel DJ
God Needed Another Angel xxxxxxxxxxxx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Forever Young xxxxxxxxxxxx
Coral Mum to angel DJ
We Never Know when we are Making a Memory xxxxxxxxxxx
Nephew Ian
Uncle Robert I wish you was here with us, we would have great times together, Lots of love and kisses nephew Ian xxxx
Daugher Joan
Dad give our Robert a kiss & hug from me, tell him that I love him so much, and that he will always be in my heart love Joan x
Sister Joan
Robert I'm always thinking of you my precious baby brother. I bet Dad's holding you right now, love sister Joan xoxox
Grma-Louise To Angie Robert
Joan thanks for thinking of Angie on her birthday..Robert & Tom so nice that u were with Angie on her birthday..Love~Hugs
Fam. of Scott & Samantha
Remember me in your heart-Your thoughts & your memories-For if you always think of me, I will never be gone. God Bless.
Norma Jean
Robert, you have touched your sis's life in a way that will only bring her joy when she truly gets to meet you and love on you
Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom
Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean, I'll miss u till we meet again ~♥~
Sister Joan
Robert I send you lots of little kisses up to Heaven for you my precious brother, {Gone To Soon} Always in my heart & thoughts
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