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Sister Joan with love This Baby Angel for you Robert. November 20, 2020
My Dear Sweet Baby Brother Robert.
I was thinking of you on your Angel~Date my precious baby Brother.
Hope you liked your Christmas Flowers I put by your headstone Robert.
Love you and miss you for evermore.
Sending lots of little kisses up to Heaven for you Robert.
From your big sister Joan & Famiy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Daughter Joan These words to you Dad. May 11, 2020
Dear Dad.
hinking of you back here today on your Angel~Date.
ishing you was here with us all, But God must have wanted anlother Angel that day.
So he sent down one of his beautiful Angel's for you Dad, and you took his hand and went to God's Kingdom.
Sending all our love up to Heaven to you Dad.
Dad please give our Robert a big kiss from me, God Bless Him.
From your Daughter Joan and family and Son Tom and family.
We all miss you Dad xoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
Daughter Joan Dad love and miss you forever GB xoxo February 4, 2020
Dad thinking of you back here on your Heavenly Birthday and wish you was here today.
You would be so very proud of your grand kids and your great grand kids.
You would love little Henry I bet you've seen him from Heaven.
Always be near us Dad let us feel your love around us Day & Night.
We will always miss you Dad and long for you to be here.
Sending lots and lots of love to you.
From Daughter Joan, son Tom, and all your grandkids and great grandkids.
Sister Joan Robert your Angel~Date November 11, 2019
Robert years may come and years may go.
But our love for you will always grow.
Good Night and God Bless You Robert.
Your big sister Joan and Family xoxoxoxoxoxo.
Sister Joan Robert your Angel~Date November 11, 2019
Robert thinking of you back here on your Angel~Date.
It's not fair Robert you should be here today with your loving family.
who will always love and wish that you was here today.
But sadly God sent one of his Angels to come for you Robert.
That very sad and upsetting day that you was taken from us.
I was just turned 13 years old, just a child myself.
I will never forget you Robert your in my heart to stay GB you always.
Your big sister Joan and family xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
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