Good morning beautiful angel ❤ sometimes it seems a lifetime sometimes just a day ❤ but in the hearts that loved you ❤ you are never far away
04/15/2019 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My God shall raise me up, I trust.
04/13/2019 SISTER JOAN
Robert & Dad sorry not lit a candle for awhile not been well love always Sister/Daughter Joan xoxo
04/13/2019 SISTER JOAN
Robert & Dad spread your Angel Wings and fly high with all your Angel Friends GB you always special Angels xoxo
04/13/2019 dragan's dad
My heart is so small it's almost invisible.How can You place such big sorrows in it? "Look," He answered, "your eyes are even smaller, yet they behold the world. ~Rumi~
04/12/2019 vince heuerman
Love to your family dear Robert.
04/12/2019 Fam.of Scott & Samantha Myers
God Bless you Thomas. Forever loved and missed. (((Joan))) God Bless!
04/11/2019 Michael Miller's Mom
Robert you were here on earth for a short time, but you took a plece of your sister's heart with you.
04/11/2019 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
The great gift of Easter is hope...
04/10/2019 vince heuerman
Nite dear Robert. Hugs Joan.
04/10/2019 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Thinking of those we have lost who will be spending this Easter up in Heaven. We love You