Every minute, of every day, never more than a thought away ♥ Sending hugs to your sister Joan, I hope she is feeling better.
07/25/2022 Sister Joan & Daughter Joan
Robert & Dad so sorry not lit a candle for you for sometime been under the Hospital over my health, GB you both xoxo
07/23/2022 dragan's dad
A presence in life lasts an eternity, for we know not the total impact of the candles flame, we know it was lit and for a time we saw the light. T. Beck
07/21/2022 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Hoping you are smiling down on your family and giving them some comfort from missing you.
07/16/2022 dragan's dad
Candle in honor of you…
07/14/2022 Michael Miller's Mom
Sleep little angel in our heavenly father arms.
07/14/2022 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Sending you and your family big hugs and lots of love