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Devenez un membre!
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My God shall raise me up, I trust. Easter love and blessings...
dragan's dad
A person that has faith has hope. Those that has hope, has everything!
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
God Gave you Wings So that you Could Fly with the Angels xxxxxx
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
When he was on the cross, you were on his mind...
Michael Miller's Mom
Gone but never will be forgotten, your precious memories will forever live on.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Thinking of those we have loved and lost who are spending this Easter in Heaven. ♥
Happy Easter to Robert and my Dad we all love and miss you both and wish you was here today GB you always xoxo
♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
Love is in the souls that are pure.Love helps our spirits to endure through faith & adoration.Love to you Precious Robert ♥
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there." - Clarence W. Hall
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Gone Flying with the Angels xxxxxxx
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Our angels may not come when we call them, but they'll always be there when we need them.
Michael Miller's Mom
Resting in Heaven in the arms of Jesus.
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