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vince heuerman
Much love to your family dear Robert.
Michael Miller's Mom
Twinkle , twinkle little star rest in peace up in Heaven where you are.
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
The fact that your no longer here will always cause us pain but your forever in my heart until we meet again
dragan's dad
A candle lit in your honor & precious memory, lil baby Angel. My thoughts & prayers are with your family.
Claudia mom to Rocky Lindley
They say there is no time in heaven and when we get there it will be just like we were never apart ♥♥ God Bless
Michael Millers Mom
Tiny little angel so far above. fly high with all God's angels in heaven skies.
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Swept away by Angels on a Heavenly Flight xxxxxxxx
Michael Miller's Mom
Robert your little footprints was very small but you left a big impression for us all.
A little flower lent not given to bud on Earth and Bloom in Heaven GB you both xoxo
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Every Raindrop is a Kiss From Your Angel xxxxxx
Michael Miller's Mom
You were to precious for earth. Rest in peace in Heaven in our father's loving arms.
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Withih Your Heart Keep 1 Secret Place where Dreams May Go xxxxxx
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