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Devenez un membre!
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Thanksgiving in Heaven, What do they do? They come down to earth to spend it with you. Con't
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
So leave them a seat, just one empty chair. You may not see them, but they will be there.
♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
Deep in our hearts You'll always stay, Loved and remembered every day.Good-Night Precious Robert xo
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
God Needed Another Angel xxxxxxxx
Robert & Dad got my Hospital appointment at long last its for the 8th of December we all love & miss you both GB you xoxo
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
I'm lighting this candle with a hug and a kiss to all those in Heaven that we LOVE and MISS!
Michael Miller's Mom
Like fallen leaves, time slips by, but loving memories will never die.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
In Heaven as on earth your big sister loves you. She keeps you in her heart tucked away to keep you safe...
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak. ~ Psalm 56:8 ~
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Loved Forever Forgotten Never xxxxxxxx
♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
Thinking of You Angel with much Love.Sweet Dreams in Heaven with All Your Angel friends xoxoxo
♥Loving Family To Angel VBorg♥
♥Take a million teardrops, wrap them up with Love, & ask the wind to carry them, to YOU in Heaven above ♥
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