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♥Loving Family to Angel VBorg♥
●♥● Each time we embrace a memory,we meet again with those we Love,for the heart never forgets. ●♥●
Sister Joan and daughter Joan
♥⋰⋱ Just ♥⋰⋱Sprinkli ng ♥⋰⋱ Your ♥⋰⋱ Page ♥⋰⋱ With ♥⋰⋱ Lots ♥⋰⋱ Of ♥⋰⋱ Love
Michael Miller's Mom
I'm looking to Heaven above sending you lots of hugs on a beautiful white dove.
Michael Miller's Mom
Robert you were here for a short time, but your little footprints will last forever and ever.
Sister Joan and daughter Joan
Robert & Dad you will be forever in our hearts we can't describe the pain we feel on losing you that very sad day GB xoxo
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams...that is where you and your loved ones shall meet.
dragan's dad
Precious lil baby Angel, wishing you and your loved ones a gentle & peaceful weekend
Sister Joan and daughter Joan
Robert & Dad remembering you both is easy we do it every day, it's this pain in our hearts that never go away GB you.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Grief is not just about feeling sad. It's about identifying specific losses. Dr. A. Leone
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
A raindrop landing on your cheek is a kiss from your Loved One that lives in Heaven who is watching over you
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Good night dear one, much love and many blessings to a beloved little angel.
dragan's dad
Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose loved ones. But we never forget them. It`s those memories that give us the strength to go on
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