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To Lorraine love Joan
A big Thank You to my sweet friend Lorraine for all her candle lighting bless you Lorraine love you your friend Joan xoxo
Sister Joan and daughter Joan
Years may come and years may go but our love for you both will grow & grow GB xoxo
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer. ~Douglas Horton~
Angel Kelli's mom Lorraine
Calling on all the angels who walk this world to pray and watch over us all. Keep us safe from the Corona virus.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Keep a close watch over your sister and those she loves. Keep her safe from the Corona virus. xoxox
Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
dragan's dad
A candle lit in your honor & beautiful memory,remembrance is sweet, but so hard when they have left us behind.
Loving Family to Angel VBorg♥
The candles we light ✿ The tributes we write ✿ The gifts that we give ✿ For their memories to Live
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Praying for all of the world that is going through this Corona Virus God Bless us all and be safe
Michael Miller's Mom
Sending you littleone a big hug on the wings of a beautiful white dove.
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
A raindrop landing on your cheek is a kiss from someone living in heaven who is watching over you
Sister Joan and daughter Joan
Robert & Dad sending so much love to you up above. We all love & miss you both so much, GB you love Joan xoxo
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