If I knew it was the last time I would see you walk out the door I would have hugged n kissed you n asked you to stay
12/19/2019 Sister Joan, Daughter Joan
•♥ There is a bridge of memories from earth to Heaven above; It keeps our dear ones near us It's the bridge that we call love. ♥XXX
12/18/2019 dragan's dad
It is very important to pray for others; because when you pray for someone, an angel goes and sits on the shoulder of that person. -The Virgin Mary to the children at Medjugorje
12/16/2019 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Losing a loved one stays with us forever. But holidays, in particular, can make the loss even tougher to handle.
12/15/2019 Kelli George's mom Lorraine
Christmas is Family, Friends, Hope, Joy Memories, Peace and Love.
12/15/2019 Sister Joan, Daughter Joan
Jesus is the reason for this season, GB you Robert & Dad, love and kisses to you both, xoxo
12/12/2019 Michael Miller's Mom
Little angel tiny and sweet fold your wings and go to sleep
12/12/2019 Kelli George's mom lorraine
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. H.W. Mable
12/08/2019 Michael Miller's Mom
Robert now that you are sleeping on the clouds keep dreaming of your family and friends.
12/08/2019 Michael Miller's Mom
Robert now that you are sleeping on the clouds keep dreaming of your family and friends.
12/06/2019 dragan's dad
‘There is not enough darkness in our whole world to put out the light of one candle.’Robert Alden
12/06/2019 Sister Joan and daughter Joan
Beautiful memories
Just as you were, you will always be
Someone special in my memory GB you Robert & Dad xoxo