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Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
We will always miss our Loved Ones for the Rest of our Life's
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
In one of the stars I shall be living...
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
A little flower of love, That blossomed but to die. Transplanted now above, to bloom with God on High.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
A life like yours has left a record sweet for memory to dwell upon.
dragan's dad
The lives loved ones, of the passed away are placed in the memory of the living ~ M.T.Cicero
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
For I know the plans...Jeremiah 29:11
Sister Joan, Daughter Joan
You left your family beautiful memories Your love is still their guide And though they cannot see you You are always by their sideಌ XXX
Michael Miller's Mom
Your little tiny footprints are always near in the hearts of your family.
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
If ur heart is dead, know that the one who can give life to the dead body, can give life to your dead heart. Y Mogahed~
Sister Joan, Daughter Joan
It's never easy saying Goodbye to our loved ones the pain in our hearts never goes away. GB you Robert & Dad xoxo
dragan's dad
As long as reach our memories,our loved ones will never be far from our hearts,thoughts, our prayers...
Michael Miller's Mom
Precious angel sleep tight in Heaven tonight.
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