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dragan's dad
Tonight, part of the remembering light in that candle's glow belongs to each of you, precious baby Angel
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Coral Mum to Angel DJ
From an Angels wings to a Shooting Star God Made everything But an Unbreakable Heart xxxxxxxxxx
David Cody~Wife forever
Always in our hearts and memories ~<3
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Hi Robert, have a good night in heaven with Jesus hugs and love
Denise/Angel Y DeFrancis
A silent prayer a kiss of gold & all the love this candle can hold. ((HUGS))
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Thinking of you and your precious Angels....... Praying for some comfort & peace that passes all understanding!!
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Robert you are remembered, missed & loved always & forever please stay ever so close!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
dragan's dad
Sorrow is the child of too much joy~ Chinese Proverb~Remembering candle in honor of our precious lil Angel.God Bless!
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
You are the Star for which All Evenings Wait xxxxxxxx
Brenda Myers
God Bless you & TY for remembering my sister Louise, on her death date Apr. 6th.
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
~♥~Robert & Thomas good night, sweet dreams & please visit your Sister/Daughter~♥~
Gerry Docherty
Thank you for remembering Joe on his angelversary. May God bless you and your angel. HUGS!!
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
As you hold me close in memory, even though we are apart, my spirit will live on, there within your heart . I am with you always
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