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¡Conviértase en Miembro!
Gerry, wife of Joe Docherty
Your precious life here may have been short but it was filled with love. God bless you and your loved ones.
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley
Have a blessed sunday▬▬❥ robert n thomas i will always keep u n ur special sister in my ♥ ((joan))
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Happy Sunday Robert & Thomas strawberry candle is burning in my kitchen in memory & honor of both of you!!
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
May the gentle breeze of ur spirit embrace those who miss you filling their hearts w/love & peaceful thoughts of you
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Stay Close yo your family they Love and Miss you So Much xxxxxx
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley
Precious baby Robert good night Angel and sleep sweetly in God's loving arms. U r so loved n missed by ur sister. ((Joan))
Jeri~Laquan's Mom~
U now have everlasting life, no tears nor sorrow, perfect health, eternal rest & endless peace ~ Ur soul is FREE!
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum
No matter how life changes no matter what we do, a special place within our hearts is always kept for you ღ
Kelli George's mom Lorraine
How does one go on without those we love? Each day is a challenge just to get to the next day.
Jeri ~Laquan's Mom
U gave them love that can't b replaced; Ur loved from a spcl place felt deep within; Ur loved from here n2 eternity ~ GB
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us!! ~Helen Keller~
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Whenever you Smile for no Reason Whenever you Feel a Flutter in your Heart Just Know Its because Your Angel is Near xxxx
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